Raymond Klibansky and the Warburg Library Network

Philippe DESPOIX and Jillian TOMM (eds. with the collaboration of Eric Méchoulan and Georges Leroux), Raymond Klibansky and the Warburg Library Network: Intellectual Peregrinations from Hamburg to London and Montreal, Montreal & Kingston, McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2018, xiv-346 p.

The Warburg Institute, founded in the 1920s in Hamburg by art and cultural historian Aby Warburg, is a pioneering institution that has greatly shaped the fields of art, myth, religion, medicine, philosophy, and intellectual history. When, in 1933, the institute was moved to London to
escape the Nazis, its research and legacy were protected
and further developed by a network of researchers
dispersed throughout the UK, the US, and Canada.
The first interdisciplinary study of the Warburg network
as an arena of intellectual transmission, transformation,
and exchange, this volume reveals the dynamics,
agencies, and actors at play in the development of the
Warburg Institute’s program and output, with a specific
focus on the role of Raymond Klibansky (1905-2005) in
the institute’s major ventures. Among these collective
projects of the institute are the famous Saturn and
Melancholy, which blends art history with philosophical
and cultural history, and the Latin and Arabic Corpus
Platonicum Medii Aevi series, which contributed to
research on the continuity of Platonic thought.

Consulting published and unpublished sources including
correspondences, memories, and diaries of affiliated
scholars, the essays explore the history of the Warburg
Library as a vital cultural institution and the personal and
intellectual relationships of the researchers devoted to it.

Table des matières/Contents

